Light of a Dawn
2012.11.13. 19:39

Elite, Most Beautiful RaceHorse in PonyIsland, 1st Placed of RaceHorses' Appearance; Elite, 1st in Dark Horses Appearance; ELITE The Most Beautiful Horse with Rare Breed 1st Placed of III. Only One Picture; 3rd in Move for the Music; Elite, 1st in Horse in snow Appearance; ELITE The Most Beautiful Horse with Rare Breed 1st Placed of III. Only One Picture Absolute Winner of III. Only One Picture, Gyönyörű ló az I. Mikulás Kupán, 4th Placed Horse of Hello December, GREAT, Great Dressage Horse in M'sM, GREAT, Great Horse in M'sM, ELITE,CHAMPION, The Best Horse in Everybody Knows Appearance, Champion of Gibson Horse Center,, Excellent Horse in Everybody Knows Appearance, Better Horse of Gibson Horse Center, ELITE, Excellent Horse in Everybody Knows Appearance, Better Horse of Gibson Horse Cente, 2nd Placed of 'How Many Letters?' Appearance, Beautiful Appearance Horse, GOOD, Tehetséges ló a Minuscule Colibri Tiszteletversenyen, BEST, 2nd Placed Horse in Twins Appearance with Hayke, GREAT, Great Horse in M'sM, GREAT, Great Horse in M'sM, ELITE, LIFE-STYLE CHAMPION, 1st Placed Horse in Hello Summer! Appearance, The Most Beautiful Horse in Hello Summer! Appearance, BEST, BEST HORSE IN GAME APPEARANCE, The horse with the second best still appearence at Keep Still Appearance, 2nd at Keep Still Appearance, GREAT, Great Horse in M'sM, BETTER, Nagyon szép ló a Kancák versenyén, GREAT, Great Horse in M'sM, GOOD, Good Horse in Dressage in M'sM, GREAT, Great Horse in Appearance in M'sM, ELITE, Beautiful Horse in I. Explosive Impetus Appearance, 1st Placed of I. Explosive Impetus Appearance
Tk. neve: Light of a Dawn
Tk száma: 485-8454/frie.
Kora: 7 év
neme: kanca
Képzése: díjlovaglás L, M
Marmagassága: 170 cm

I. helyezések:
1. helyezett -'How Many Letters?' Appearance /küllem {}
1. helyezett -Everybody Knows Appearance /küllem
1. helyezett - Everybody Knows Appearance /díjlovaglás *Abszolút győztes
1. helyezett - Hello Summer! Appearance /küllem {}
1. helyezett - I. Winter Appearance /küllem
1. helyezett - II. Thoroughbred Appearance /küllem
1. helyezett - Dark Horses Appearance /küllem
1. helyezett - Horse in the Snow Appearance /küllem
1. helyezett - I. Explosive Impetus Appearance /küllem {}
II. helyezések:
2. helyezett - Twins Appearance /küllem {}
2. helyezett -I. Mikulás Kupa- /küllem {}
2. helyezett - I. GV Mare Appearance /küllem {}
2. helyezett - Keep Still Appearance /küllem {}
2. helyezett - III. Only One Picture /küllem
2. helyezett - Game Appearance - /küllem {}
2. helyezett - Thoroughbred Appearance /küllem
III. helyezések:
3. helyezett - SLT Dressage Gold Cup /díjlovaglás
3. helyezett - January's Beauty Appearance /küllem
3. helyezett - II. Cards Appearance /küllem, {}
3. helyezett - June Appearance / küllem {}
3. helyezett - Winner's Appearance {avlp} /küllem
3. helyezett - Move for the Music /díjlovaglás
3. helyezett - II. Equestrian Appearance /küllem {}
Egyéb helyezések:
4. helyezett - Hello December /küllem {}
4. helyezett - II. Equestrian Appearance /díjlovaglás {}
4. helyezett -V. Mistrals Dressage /díjlovaglás {}
6. helyezett - Minuscule Colibri Tiszteletverseny /fekete lovak külleme {}
7. helyezett - Minuscule Colibri Tiszteletverseny / küllem {}
Tárgynyeremények, szalagok:
x 2
